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What American Manufacturing Really Needs Opinion

Despite the challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, American manufacturing has risen to the occasion, meeting new demands with new technologies. The industry is moving in the right direction, which is why several of president-elect Joe Biden’s proposals have concerned many in the industry.


Making ‘Made in America’ Good for Business Again

The coronavirus pandemic has peeled back the curtain and showed American manufacturing’s weaknesses. Now is the time to create a viable economic environment for U.S. manufacturing companies through the implementation of new tech and a focus on a new generation of workers.


Next Industrial Evolution – A Shift in US Manufacturing

The case for a necessary shift in manufacturing across America to spur job growth and innovation post COVID-19. Our country is currently faced with a myriad of problems. The ongoing global pandemic has wreaked havoc on our country from both a health and economic perspective.


How Industry 4.0 is Transforming the Modern Workplace with the R&D Tax Credit

Industry 4.0 has been heralded as the fourth revolution that has occurred in the world of manufacturing, after mechanization, electrification, and mass production. The latest wave of technology involves digitizing vast amounts of data, using connectivity to send and receive that data, employing software that sifts through the data, and using the connected network to further enhance and control process automation.