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Maximizing Available Federal Relief

  • PPP

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CEOs, Owners, Presidents, and Financial Decision Makers


Thursday, May 21, 2020 from 12:00 – 12:30 PM CT

Recent events have left businesses throughout the industry facing challenges related to cash flow, making payroll and retaining talent. While many business owners have turned to the Payroll Protection Program (PPP), it’s expected that even with additional funding from Congress, more than 25 million businesses will still be left without relief.

Fortunately for system integration companies, there are existing federal incentives that can help provide immediate value during this time. Companies performing activities related to automation, integrated software solutions or life safety integration are qualified to benefit from these incentives based on their daily activities.

The alliantgroup experts will be hosting an online presentation to review available federal incentives that system integrators should be maximizing. Register now to ensure your company is leveraging these powerful resources!

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Tracy Lustyan is the Managing Director for the Great Lakes Region and is based in alliantgroup’s Chicago office. Her focus is on clients in the Midwest, primarily in Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota and Iowa. Tracy has a vast knowledge of government-sponsored incentive programs that are designed for the benefit of U.S. businesses, including her work with the R&D Tax Credit, IC-DISC, DPD and hiring incentives.

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Margorie McLenan is a Director and Industry Practice Leader at alliantgroup, helping software, system integration and high-tech businesses claim more than $45 million in federal and state tax incentives. As a practice leader, Margorie has steered over 400 tax studies through the identification, substantiation and implementation processes that accompany a tax credit study.


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