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Will your ERC claim pass Review?

IRS announces that ERC audits and investigations will intensify

Unsure about your ERC claim? Let’s re-evaluate what you’re eligible for.

If any of the following apply to you, you should schedule a free assessment with our team now:

Received a Letter 6612

Received an Audit Notice

Haven't Recovered My Refund

Unsure About Claim Validity

Preparing for an ERC Audit? 6 Key Questions IRS Will Ask

What is IRS Letter 6612?

Find Out from Darren Guillot

Five IRS Warning Signs

Five Former IRS Commissioners

Our greatest asset is the depth of talent that has joined the alliantNational team. From former IRS Commissioners to Senior Counsel to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, our team of experts is unmatched by any other tax controversy group in the country.

Darren Guillot

alliantgroup National Director

Eric Hylton

alliantgroup National Director

Kathy Petronchak

alliantgroup Director of IRS Practice & Procedure

Steven Miller

alliantgroup National Director of Tax

Mark W. Everson

alliantgroup Vice Chairman

Downloadable Resource

Six Key Questions the IRS Will Ask in an ERC Audit

TCS | Six Key Questions the IRS Will Ask

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Case Studies

See for yourself how we've been able to put businesses just like yours at ease with their ERC claims:

Shady Payroll Provider

  • Payroll provider claimed ERC without taxpayer’s knowledge
  • Taxpayer received audit notice for $1.3M claim
  • We rebuilt entire study and found qualification for all seven quarters
  • Original credit claim was preserved, but with substantiation

ERC Mill 4x Overclaim

  • Using only a questionnaire for substantiation, claimed $2.1M for 7 quarters
  • No analysis of more than nominal impact conducted
  • We also found PPP and FFCRA were not taken into account
  • Actual credit amount was $512k for only 2 quarters

alliantNational advantage

alliantNational assists CPAs and U.S. businesses alike in navigating difficult tax matters, offering both representation and support while working with IRS and state tax officials. With insights from our 5 former IRS Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners, our team understands the intent of the Employee Retention Credit and what the Service is looking for to substantiate claims. We have assessed ERC eligibility for over 60,000 business, as well as assisted businesses who went with less reputable providers in rectifying their claims. With our team supporting yours, you can rest assured that you will receive what you are entitled to while following the letter of the law.

From the Desk of Darren Guillot

alliantgroup National Director; Former IRS Commissioner of the Small Business /Self Employed Division

IRS Letter 6612 Update

Former IRS commissioner Darren Guillot comments on IRS 6612 Letters

The IRS has already sent several rounds of 6612 letters, requesting additional information for ERC claims and providing only 30 days to respond, or face disallowance. Tens of thousands have gone out and more are likely to in the coming months.

Former IRS Commissioner Darren Guillot discusses the information requested within these letters as well as next steps for those concerned about their claims. If you have already received a 6612 letter, schedule time with us immediately to discuss.

4 Reasons Your ERC Refund is Delayed

Former IRS Commissioner Darren Guillot Shares 4 Reasons Your ERC Refund is Delayed

A lot of businesses are wondering about the status of their ERC refund claims. Former IRS Commissioner of the SB/SE Division and alliantgroup National Director Darren Guillot delves into four most common reasons as to why your claim might be delayed.

Whatever the reason, get in touch with a trusted tax professional soon.

If you have any questions, regardless of whether you’ve received your ERC refund or not, we’d love to hear from you and discuss your situation.

Contact Us

Contact our team today with any tax controversy concern you're facing. We fight every day to protect the interests of the taxpayer, and we look forward to putting you in the best tax situation possible.

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