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Overcoming Roadblocks to Digital Transformation

Like a driver dropping a lead brick on the gas pedal, the pandemic accelerated every industry’s need to automate and digitize its processes. A combination of supply chain disruptions, an increasingly disparate workforce, and the pressure to integrate emerging technologies such as AI and machine learning are pushing companies to ramp up digital transformation efforts to maintain competitiveness.

Tax Credits Pave the Way for Digital Transformation

Tax Credits Pave the Way for Digital Transformation

To respond to this accelerated need for digital transformation, companies should lean on available federal and state tax incentives as a way to secure much-needed funding. A simple rewards program can tackle the most egregious offenders by offering incentives, but more comprehensive plans can be put in place to handle even smaller, everyday medical expenses.

Three Key Tax Incentives for IT Consultants

This year, IT consultants are eligible for powerful tax incentives that can help fund their innovation efforts and keep their technical workers on staff. The $1.9 trillion stimulus package recently enacted by Congress and the Biden Administration has something in it for almost everyone, and IT consultants are no exception.

Laws Governing Online Speech Need Reform, Not Repeal

If you had told me 24 years ago that the internet pornography law I was working on would be the main obstacle to defense spending in 2020, I would have called you crazy. Yet for the past several weeks President Trump has repeatedly warned that he will veto the $740 billion defense appropriation bill if Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act isn’t repealed.

The R&D Tax Credit Driving Innovation

alliantgroup’s own Rick Lazio recently was recently featured as a guest on the “Tech Talks Daily Podcast” to discuss how American businesses have adapted during the pandemic, and how an existing government incentive has helped spur innovation efforts in our country.